Studio Policy

Brookside Music Studio Policies

  1. Brookside Music Studio provides a healthy, positive, harmonious, and inclusive learning environment for students who are serious about musical learning. Students of different cultural backgrounds and age groups are welcome.
  2. There are different types of lessons, courses, and fee options to suit different needs. Non-refundable lesson fee is due at the beginning of each month, or of each course, as chosen by the student or parents. Discounts are available for small groups, and for payment 12 weeks in advance.
  3. Same rates apply to online and onsite lessons.
  4. Instrumental lessons are individualized. Beginners normally start with 30-minute lessons. If a parent without musical background wishes to take lessons together with the child to monitor the child’s progress at home, then it would be considered Small Group lesson. Lesson duration is one hour. Approval from the instructor is necessary. Payment by month is required.
  5. Small Group lessons on music theory or composition are commonly offered to family members or friends (at the same musical level) who wish to take the lessons together. Payment by month is required. Invoice will be sent to one account only.
  6. Monthly fee applies to four weekly lessons in a month. Should there be five weeks (i.e., five Saturdays on 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 of the same month), student may choose to take one week off, or to pay for an extra lesson. The extra week also allows leeway in a make-up lesson for an excused absence.
  7. Course fee applies to the entire music theory/composition/history course. Course schedule of certain dates and times are set up between the teacher and the students. Payment in full should be made before the course starts.
  8. Students are expected to attend lessons on time as scheduled. In case of foreseen scheduling conflict, the student or parents should discuss with the teacher at least one day in advance for teacher’s consideration of rearrangement of lesson time. In case of illness or unforeseen emergency, the student or parents must notify the teacher as soon as possible. There will be no make-up lesson for “No call -no show,” and no make-up lesson time for being late to the lesson. Since our teachers are music professionals who have busy schedules and who have dedicated a specific time slot for each student every week, changing lesson time or make-up lessons are not guaranteed. Make-up lessons would depend on teacher’s availability. An excused make-up lesson would best be held on the extra week of a five-week month. (See #6.) One make-up lesson per month is allowed.
  9. Payment: Online payment via PayPal at the beginning of each month.
  10. Online lessons on advanced music theory and composition are available for mature students via a combination of email correspondence and Zoom/Skype. Reading, listening, and written assignments will be assigned. Students are responsible for completing and submitting the written assignments before each lesson, for teacher’s feedback and comments. Adult student with irregular work schedule may take less than four lessons per month and may choose to pay by lesson.
  11. Students are not recommended to take private lessons of the same subject with another teacher from another studio at the same time, because different teachers would have different ideas on the subject. Sometimes there is no “right or wrong answer,” just speaking from different perspectives. However, receiving different opinions at the same time would be confusing to the students whose foundation is not solid. A student who is taking private lessons with another teacher should not be taking lessons at this studio.
  12. Should the student decide to stop taking lessons from this studio, one-month advance notice would be necessary to avoid continuous billing.
  13. Mutual respect is honored among teachers, students and parents in this studio. Negative attitude, misconduct, or any form of harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated. Violators will be dismissed from the studio.